These episodes come on suddenly, and we're never quite sure what causes them. We know from experience that there's always a trigger, but we also know that his out-of-control behaviour could be a reaction to something that happened hours before, something that Bear doesn't even realize bothered him.
Tonight's rage resulted in Bear putting a second hole in his door. Why? Because I said it was too late for him to go play in the backyard. Once upon a time I knew to steel myself for a meltdown when I denied a request, but those days are few and far between now. Maybe we have the meds to thank for that. Maybe it's a maturity factor. Most likely it's a combination of both.
The fact is that I used to know what was coming, and there was a certain amount of comfort in that. But now when these episodes occur, I feel as if I've been blindsided.
Marvin the Martian wouldn't need to complain if he lived at my house.